Saturday, October 31, 2009


Q: The circumference of the Earth is approximately 40,000 km. If we take a wire that is only 10 meters (0.01 km) longer than the circumference of the globe and circle it around the globe, can a flea, a mouse, or even a man can creep under it?


Circumference = 2*PI*r
Radius of Earth, rE = 40000/2*PI = 6366.1977236758134307553505349006
Radius of Wire, rW = 40000.01/2*PI = 6366.1993152252443497087082237382

Difference is 0.0015915494309189533576888382082065 = approx 1.6 m

So a tall man must duck to go through it but a smaller man can easily go through.


Corner to Learn@:
Actual Circumference of the Earth is:
At the equator: 24901 miles
Around the poles: 24859 miles
[This is because the spinning of the earth creates a bulge.]

Friday, October 30, 2009

Welcome to Puzzle A Day

Puzzle A Day will be updated with 1 puzzle everyday and the solution to the previous days puzzle.
Look for the previous post for example.


Puzzle A Day will include all kinds of puzzles including Computer Programming. Difficulty level is from the average of 5-6 people around me everyday.

Go puzzling anywhere, @twitter Questions will be posted on twitter and you can solve them and come here for comparing your solutions.

Please post your answers. So that we can learn different ways of solving the same.

Thanks for your support and interest.

8x8 Grid

Q: A 2x2 grid can be achieved by drawing three squares on a sheet. How many squares (in minimum) are needed to get a 8x8 grid?

Solution: 15

How? [(0,0) (8,8)][(0,0) (7,7)][(0,0) (6,6)][(0,0) (5,5)][(0,0) (4,4)][(0,0) (3,3)][(0,0) (2,2)][(0,0) (1,1)][(1,1) (8,8)][(2,2) (8,8)][(3,3) (8,8)][(4,4) (8,8)][(5,5) (8,8)][(6,6) (8,8)][(7,7) (8,8)]